Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Teen Lottery Winner Says She's Broke

this has got to be the stupidest thing i've heard today. the comments that follow are pretty harsh; i couldn't have said it any better.


(Aug. 31) - A young woman who won over $3 million in the lottery when she was just 16 says she blew it all on wild shopping sprees, breast implants and cocaine.

Rogers, from Cumbria in northwest England, was a shop assistant when she hit the jackpot in 2003. Now 22 and the mother of two young children, she says she has about $32,000 left.

"I honestly wish I'd never won the lottery money -- and knowing what I know now I should have just given it all back to them,” she told in an interview published in Sunday's News of the World.

Rogers said she spent the money on homes for herself, her parents and her grandmother. She bought expensive cars and gifts and lent money to relatives. She spent more than $730,000 on designer clothes, partying and having her breasts augmented, according to the Daily Mail.

And she estimates she spent $400,000 on cocaine -- most of which went to a boyfriend. "I was spending a fortune on cocaine, a nasty evil drug which tears your life apart," she told News of the World. "I might as well have thrown it down the toilet."

Rogers said she was far too immature to have been entrusted with a fortune.

"I was just too young to cope with suddenly having that amount in the bank when I'd come from nothing," she told News of the World.

"In the past six years I've sunk into a black hole -- a black hole that at one point I thought I could never crawl out of."

She said she became so depressed that she attempted suicide three times. Rogers now lives with her mother and said she has taken three cleaning jobs to make ends meet.

"Until you win such a large amount of money at such a young age, you don't realize the pressures that come with it," she told the Mail. "Winning the lottery has ruined my life. I wish I had never won."


03:07 PMSep 01 2009

Oh boo hoo... how many 22 year old single mothers have $32,000 in the bank? I'm sorry if she has bills to pay. So do I. I'm sure her relatives still have the homes she bought them. What about the cars and the clothes. Too bad you and you bf sucked up almost half a million up your nose. I wonder how much she gave to charity.

02:08 PMSep 01 2009

Rather than regret having won the money she should be regretting not having better sense on how to handle the money. Winning was not the problem, it was how she dealt with winning. If she had put 1 million in a savings account that drew only 1% interest she could have lived on $100,000. a year for the rest of her life.

01:21 PMSep 01 2009

Winning the lottery didn't ruin her life. Her stupidity is what ruined her life. There are a lot of people as young as she was who would have handled things a lot differently, and I would like to know why her parents didn't advise her on how to invest her money and save it. She seems to have had a lot of freedom, which she should not have had, at a young age. I do not feel sorry for her being such a wastrel. I am surprised she even has $32,000 left. She needs to change her name to IDIOT!!

12:57 PMSep 01 2009

Money didn't ruin her life. She ruined her life. I know too many addicts that had no money but still have addictions. It's time people take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for the scapegoat. Responsible people with a lot of money say, you are the same person with or without it. So, if your foolish with it, you were probably foolish without it.

12:37 PMSep 01 2009

AHHHH! bullshit she is only 22 years old she has her whole life in front of her. Quit BOO-HOOING and do something positive in your life for yourself and your children. I don't feel sorry for you AT ALL.

EMF Remodelers
12:24 PMSep 01 2009

Once again stupid people with lots of money. Like rap stars involved in gang shootings and football players shooting themselves in the leg. Its hard to wrap my mind around. They instantly have the world by the balls one minute and are stupidly willing to give it back the next.

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