Wednesday, October 24, 2007

dear november,

as a sign of respect to the sanctity of this month--my month, i solemnly swear that i will give my best efforts to do the following:

1. stop moping around and crying over spilled milk (which i've actually started three weeks ago and so far i'm making dramatic headway).

2. limit my procrastination tendencies to manageable levels.

3. stop sabotaging my friends' efforts to pull me out of lala land.

4. read everything i can get my hands on (or at least the books i've managed to stock up over the decades).

5. watch all the movies i've missed during the last four years (whoa, that's a lot! thank god for piracy).

6. give my blog a face and spiritual lift.

7. declutter. (and maybe clear out the cobwebs in my head too. )

8. stop oversleeping. (i'll have a whole lifetime of that anyway when i'm dead.)

9. make a life, not a living. (or at least die trying)

10. document my progress. (for future use, hopefully for others)

so help me god.

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